House Call Succubus 2

Languages: English
Platform: Browser Game
Devices supported: Oculus Quest (Hand Tracking), Oculus Quest 2 (Hand Tracking), Oculus Go, Pico 4 (No Hand Tracking, No AR) Variable Functionality: Steam VR (Index), Google Daydream, Oculus Rift (Microsoft Edge), Oculus Rift S (Microsoft Edge), WindowsMR (Microsoft Edge), HTC Vive (Firefox Reality from Viveport or Microsoft Edge)
Developer / Publisher: RockHardVR
System Requirements:
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11, OSX 10.6+
Instructions: WebXR Hand Tracking Guide
  • Passthrough AR support
  • Fully animated VR comic
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House Call Succubus 2

Even though you've had previous encounters with Darcie, you can't help but miss her. Luckily, Darcie thinks you’re still worth her time and is determined to make her visit more exciting. This fully animated VR comic can be played directly from your browser, providing an immersive and customizable experience.

The first part of House Call Succubus VR.


Passthrough AR Support: Enhanced augmented reality features for a more immersive experience.
Customization: Extensive options to customize hair, skin, eyes, clothes, and more. Includes adjustable boob size and physics, plus body sliders to tailor body shapes.
Hand Tracking: Supported on Oculus Quest and Quest 2 for intuitive interactions.
Laser Cursor: Oculus Go users can interact with the game using a laser cursor.
Hide Menu Option: Start menu option to remove the overhead menu button for an uninterrupted view.

Developer Recommendations:
  1. First Playthrough: Focus on the plot to fully enjoy the story.
  2. Explore Perspectives: Experiment with first-person views and various costume combinations.
  3. Repeat Sex Button: Allows repeating sex scenes without interruption.
  4. Adjust View: Hide any objects that block your view.
  5. Turn Off Speech Bubbles: For a cleaner visual experience.

Darcie is back, and she’s ready to spice things up. Don't miss out on this exciting sequel. Start your immersive adventure today by playing the VR game House Call Succubus 2.
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