The main character, Vladimir Volkov, having graduated from school, decides to earn his own education and at least help the mother, who herself provides for him and his sister. But not everything went
In the peaceful Potsukon Kingdom; the king sprains his back, and ends up under-going medical treatment. The unreliable princess Miyu must now perform his duties! "That unreliable princess?"
Raimi Mido - the invincible queen of the underground ring. Her overwhelming power attracts the viewers. The public is secretly awaiting the arrival of one who overcomes her ...... Year of release: 2018
The potions teacher sent his student for the ingredients. Deadline gave 10 days. Lonely elf helps herself with magic and potions in adventures Version 1.2c is uploaded. The most common user edited by the
Reasonable Doubt, is a classic suspense thriller in the noir genre in which you play a detective with the West Lake County Police Department who unwittingly finds himself at the center of a murder
This is an RPG where defeat triggers scenes of rape. Try this game monster girl island Contains expressions of: vore / tentacle / digestion / ryona (cruelty) Does not contain expressions of: bleeding /
A soldier of the empire named Vitnir sets off to the neighboring territory of Takama-ga-hara to conquer it. The region is home to tribes of youkai like bakeneko, kitsune, oni, jorougumo, and tengu. Armed
The bright sorceresses found the house of "Little Evil and remade it to their liking, turning it into a magical garden. The Little Evil saved the house steward, and for 33 years the Evil grew
This is the sequel to: The Paradise Fortress of RePure Aria The [In Production Version] released at Comic Market 92. This is a Trial like version that allows you to play the introductory story. As this
I heard about this game couple years ago and I wished to get it. Finally I got this game about a 6 month ago, but didn't want to share it without trying it myself /warth to share it or no/ Be truth
You are a successful writer and you decided to get away from the city for a while to clear your mind and regain your inspiration. While on your way to visit a few smaller towns you have a strange
Dart followed in his father's footsteps. A boring and uninteresting life. No success with girls or a better life prospect. Until a science project can change your luck. Now he can seduce any girl