"Girl in Charge" follows the sexual adventures of Vanessa (or Nessa to her friends) after a particular event...she decides to do what she wants (sexually) without prejudices or judgments. It is
Mech Academy is an adult visual novel based on multiple-choice decisions. The player will take on the role of the protagonist in this story and meet different characters and try to develop a relationship
The action of the game takes place in the not too distant future, the year 2025. A young man graduates from university, specializing in cybertechnology. He lives an ordinary life, tries to get a job,
Shattered Minds is an open-world game, in which you take control over the life of a college student. Your normal life is thrown out of whack after you realize you have the power to control the minds of
Legend has it that deep in the forest there is a Tower, a magical structure on the top floor of which a witch lives. Many say that anyone who gets to the top and meets the witch will have all their
Lust Academy is a game about You play as a normal 18 y.o. guy who’s life is about to change forever! You’ll find out about the whole world full of magic and adventure that awaits you at Cordale – the
This game is about Monica. Monica is "Rich Bitch." Monica is also the Boss. Monica's main love is power and controlling people she doesn't treat too delicately. If she was your boss,
Taste of Seduction is a 3D high-quality, first-person, story and dialogue-driven RPG adult game that blends together themes such as college life and that of a spy adventure. You play as Devlin, a young
This is an adult erotic horror game in which you become a servant of the Light Lord. Will you let him completely take over your mind or will you fight his will in the struggle for power and revenge. Year
Los Angeles, 2042 A city driven by corporations. City ruled by the elite. A city that is an example of the best and worst of the American dream. Millions of people live in almost blissful ignorance of
A game trainer, almost completely animated, based on submission, humiliation, and the control and prohibition of the female orgasm. Also includes outdated memes and an immaculate love story! In general,
The story centers around a husband with a successful start-up company and his supporting wife. Although supportive his wife can get lonely during her husband's long work hours, so she suggests he