Keita lives in a quiet countryside town. His childhood friend, Ryoka Enomoto, is a women's basketball ace for her university. Due to family circumstances, he needs a place to live for the summer, so
Your childhood friend Ryouka Enomoto is the ace of the basketball team at your countryside school. Growing up together in such a small rural area, you naturally fell in love with her. However, after you
After the successful killing of a witch, our main character Tina receives a new mission --- to explore the village, where more and more suspicious persons arrive. Soon, she notices that the villagers
Diligent and shy Kotoko Haruyama has a lot of expectations riding on her. Burdened by stress, she develops a strange habit. It is a little bit, it is a little bit, it is a little bit, it is somewhat
Diligent and shy Kotoko Haruyama has a lot of expectations riding on her. Burdened by stress, she develops a strange habit. It is a little bit, it is a little bit, it is a little bit, it is somewhat
After successfully slaying a witch, our protagonist Tiina received a new mission --- to investigate. a village which has been continuously becoming unsafe, Daram. As she works on it, she comes to realize
The diligent, shy and highly anticipated Kotoko Haruyama. This girl burdened by stress, has a "strange habit". That is, if she realizes someone is looking at her lewdly, She 'repays'