Takashi Masaka, an ordinary Japanese schoolboy, witnessed an incredible event on his way home. It was a nice girl in a mini-skirt, in her hands she was holding a cardboard with the inscription "Take
Chose the destination of a graduation trip to London, only members favor. London is a "virus targeting only the Japanese women," but Was the spread of urban despair. We only get to London and
* A Flash Anime Adventure Game featuring the violation of a beautiful female honors student in the setting of your choice! * After school, it's getting dark. A girl is alone in the classroom,
The Yui of the TSUNDERE public morals committee hating to have a serious character, and to be Harenchi. But, in fact, were troubled with the body which was naughty one's Horny in Binkan from
The continuation of the game The school of desires. Yamaguchi Koi, a teacher at the Seishin school, was raped by her colleagues. You go to the same school for the distance of the cinema arts. One of the
Changelog - Ed Plugin for Mermory leak, should work a bit better. - Fixed some scenes that continued to play when they should only be an event once. - Fixed some of the animation / Click scene (Let me
Absolutely Haunting Version 0.1.9. - Why Visual Novels? - While a great goal of ours is to create the desired 18+ content in our games, we want the focus to remain on the story. We understand that many
In a small town in the mountains on an isolated island stands the Ultramarine school. At school, this is forcibly studied by children who scored a high score in the state test for social incompatibility.
Once, returning home from school, she witnessed a public outcry on the street. She was so inspired by this that she could not calm the excitement in her chest and tried to undress in the park on her way
"There is a girl in the world who has a mysterious power between her legs, with which she can seal ghosts!" The city did not resemble the abode of evil. On the contrary, the usual quiet town is
Another creation from Umemaro 3D. Continuation of OMEGA. Again we get to school and fight with evil. Year of manufacture: 2013 Release date: 13-07-31 Genre: Animation, 3DCG, Slut, Big tits, Titsjob,
"School everyday life" is a text-based game created on the QSP platform. At the beginning of the game you are offered to create a school with certain parameters, teachers and students. You can