In a certain kingdom, the entrance to the maze was discovered. No one knows whether he was always there or appeared suddenly. Many adventurers went to explore it, but no one ever reached the end of the

In a certain kingdom, the entrance to the maze was discovered. No one knows whether he was always there or appeared suddenly. Many adventurers went to explore it, but no one ever reached the end of the

In a certain kingdom, the entrance to the maze was discovered. No one knows whether he was always there or appeared suddenly. Many adventurers went to explore it, but no one ever reached the end of the

The great goblin sealed for 300 people finally comes to life again, but his spirit is no longer with his physical body which has already decayed away! In order to get a new body, he abducts a village

Although it was Goblin the Great was resurrected after being sealed for 300 years The body had decayed and became only the soul! In order to get a new body, necessary for sacrifice of the devil ceremony

A simple ero side-scrolling action game. Enemies damage your female character until her energy is depleted, Resulting in a sex attack. Absorb life force to refill the "drain gauge" while you