One day, the protagonist, Kazuma Kisugi, was dozing off during class. However, when he woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar landscape. As he was feeling lost, a girl appeared in front of Kazuma...
On a rainy evening during your travels, you find yourself stepping into a quiet bar where the sound of rain softly echoes in the background. Inside, a mysterious woman named Michiru seems to be waiting
You're an ordinary guy who spends an amazing night with the girl of his dreams: possibly the most attractive girl in town. But after her crazy father drives you away, things take a tragic
By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. Mad words in sermons, wills of mortal men and women. Holiness is in right action, and courage on
You are a new student at Charles Xavier's Institute for Mutants, with the ability to block the abilities of other mutants when you touch him. At school you meet a girl named Rogue, whose touching
Your cousin decides to spend her vacation at your place. She is smart, fun, and very hot.
You are a young man and an aspiring photographer. You live an average and moral life, just trying to make sense of the world, until you come into contact with an ancient, otherworldly relic, that gives
Life in the countryside is boring, so let's move to the city to bang hot girls. Increase your relationships with the many women in the city, explore, discover the city's secrets, and make
Finding Cloud 9 follows The Main Character a young suburban guy having an awesome beginning to the summer, who get's thrown into the drug business after being coerced into it by his guardian under
Down on your luck, you suddenly receive a letter from an uncle you never knew you had. He offers you a job to manage his tropical island resort. You find it’s full of beautiful women and a strange
"Romantic Escapades" is an ancient Chinese love simulation game. Through the development of the plot, players gradually develop relationships with various beauties in the game, and then
Step into the classic D&D game, only with more sex, fun, and lovingly hand-drawn and animated 2D art from the developers who created Paradise Lust. When a magical accident teleports you to a small