Two young orphans, Seles and Sekhavel, discover that they are Xissai, magical half-snake entities blessed by Xisseth himself and soon to become initiates in his temple. Abandoning their old lives, they
Bad Sister Ephnel. She always does things she can't do as a sister. she intended to go out for a night out as usual, but she was caught by futanari Succubus. Ephnel is turning to the dark side by
The once-peaceful village of Saran has fallen into darkness, its people corrupted by a sinister force that threatens the entire kingdom. Mia, a young priestess, and her fiancé Tenchi, a fearless warrior,
An escaped slave seeks revenge against the masters, but first he must gather a warband to go to war.
Set in a modern fantasy world, Secret Island puts you in the shoes of a powerful sorcerer and battle-hardened mercenary. After being caught in a war you never wanted to be a part of, you fought just for
A Struggle With Sin is the story of a fantasy world in the midst of a civil war. Rising taxes and raids by orcs and bandits make each villager act according to their own needs first. Will you become like
For ages, the Orc race endured oppression and expulsion at the hands of humans. But one day, something changed. The Orcs grew immensely powerful, and nobody knew why. Now, witness their unstoppable rise