"Congratulations! You have won the World Ramen Lottery. An island paradise with beautiful beaches awaits you. Start a new life today! " After arriving on the island, you realize that you have

A whole theme park to yourself, no lines, no crowds, and dripping hungry snatches as far as the eye can see! Seem too good to be true? Well, not for our protagonist Kazuya and his certified extra-fertile

A pure-minded alchemist girl Lizbell makes efforts to rebuild her atelier that was driven into shutdown. Item Collection + Alchemy RPG! 100+ different items to be created. Sell synthesized potions to get

The guy washes off the cruise liner overboard during a violent storm and throws it onto an uninhabited island. Fortunately, the same thing happens to a beautiful girl, and now they have to live a few

The guy washes off the cruise liner overboard during a violent storm and throws it onto an uninhabited island. Fortunately, the same thing happens to a beautiful girl, and now they have to live a few