For the future of their kingdom, the protagonist's wife submits her body to the King. Assist her babymaking efforts, as a husband and as an alchemist. The King doesn't have any offspring.

"SILENT CHILL -DOUBT -" is a HARAKIRI MASTER hentai filmed in November 2019 based on the popular horror game series "Silent Hill", which is also a direct sequel to "SILENT CHILL

You went to an abandoned hospital as a dare with your friends. There you found an underground isolation ward. However, you suddenly lose consciousness, and awake naked and tied up to a bed. Maybe

The global epidemic has taken the lives of almost all people on earth. Only a few were able to develop immunity to the virus. When the epidemic has passed, it became clear that women are much more

For those of you who are unaware, this game focuses on Naomi Yanagawa, the veterinary nurse of Slice of Venture and Slice of Venture 2. It focuses more precisely on her past (no shit, Sherlock...) back

These are two spin-off stories for Tsumamigui 3. Events unfold in an alternative universe and are in no way associated with the original. "True Love": After Kazuto and Miyuri got married, this

Healer George, by coincidence, falls into an impenetrable abyss of events of a negative nature. He owes a lot of money, he is not particularly valued at work, and life is mostly in brown tones. But in a

Original game Supplement 1 Naked Time: The first, released addition to the game continues one of the side branches in the plot, relating to the story of one of Yuto's classmates and his difficult

This is the story of a young boy named Yuuta who has just transferred to another school and is trying to live a normal life. However, one day, a mysterious letter Yuuta receives a strange, mysterious

Because of family troubles, Yuuta, a young boy, had to move to another city. Changing schools and having perverted teachers might have leave him a bit confused, but thanks to the new friends he has made,

"Charlotte" of the main character is the mother "Tsei" Although I lived a calm life with people, one day Tsetsi collapses into an unusual illness. Thanks to the treatment of magical

Syfil makes a pilgrimage to stop the changing lust-demonism within. Can she preserve her humanity long enough to meet the succubus queen Kurana? Where are the living monster live together? * Game GOlden