The story is set in the town of Hinata. The story is about an ordinary girl, Flair, who lives there. She leaves school with her childhood friend and lover Kenji, She gets caught up in a case involving
A young man decides to blackmail his entire family for sexual favors. All of them, in fact. In addition to the traditional mother/sister/aunt, there is also a grandmother and even a father. Naturally, he
The famous "Alecia," known as a strong and beautiful swordswoman in the town, was living happily with her husband "Roy" while fulfilling her role in maintaining the town's peace
Legend has it that deep in the forest there is a Tower, a magical structure on the top floor of which a witch lives. Many say that anyone who gets to the top and meets the witch will have all their
In Pale Carnations, step into the shoes of a tightly wound pre-med student who, while intent on living on the straight and narrow, is irresistibly pulled into a world of debauchery thanks to the
Everyday seemed like nothing was changing. Go into your cubicle, put in numbers to the sheets, prepare presentations, hope for bonus every quarter. Only to see your manager get all the credit for your
Visit an exceptional prison where sexy naked girls are the prisoners. There are two types of prison cells to choose from: - Large prison cell: There are several cells in this building, some are empty but
Your mother gets a new boyfriend, but you're very jealous and won't tolerate that relationship
For ages, the Orc race endured oppression and expulsion at the hands of humans. But one day, something changed. The Orcs grew immensely powerful, and nobody knew why. Now, witness their unstoppable rise
Margaret is about to enjoy her weekend getaway with her girlfriend, Arabelle, when Arabelle decides to bring two unexpected guests to spice up their romantic life. What would Margaret do when three women
Cold... Grim... Unforgiving... Deadly... This is the world of LonaRPG. Play the story of a young woman named Lona, who must survive in this gothic and cruel world. Explore a grimdark, twisted, and open
Year 853 after the Celestial Beings fell on Henteria. The island-kingdom of Nos'Ra is, in spite of its small size, one of the most prosperous in all Henteria. The island is considered by many as a