The third installment of the Flatcheez series. Ever since Nae-chan went missing at the end of the previous installment, Yuta has been striving to isolate himself. Thinking he is responsible for
Rumi Sakura, being already married, accidentally looked into a neighbor's window when he was having sex with someone. But the neighbor noticed it too. The next day, the man, using a police report,
Because of family troubles, Yuuta, a young boy, had to move to another city. Changing schools and having perverted teachers might have leave him a bit confused, but thanks to the new friends he has made,
The boy Yuto, due to a number of circumstances, recently moved with his mother and sister to a small provincial town. In the new school, although he already managed to make friends, a lot of things are
The boy, Yuto, for a number of reasons recently moved with his mother and sister to a small provincial town. In the new school, although he already managed to get friends, for him, much is unusual and
Deep in the Sagittarius Armory of the Milky Way Galaxy, Kolur "Kole" Sigurddson lands on the remote frozen moon moon to the gas giant Calashinna. A United Planetary Alliance abandoner, Kole has