The Life of Kyoichi Mitsugi, a pervert who adores bondage, is the story of a young man with a perverted nature whose life changed drastically after his father's sudden remarriage. His mother and
The Survival of Sarah Rose is an epic-fantasy erotic visual novel, following the life of the eldest daughter of the royal Rose family. When tragedy strikes, Sarah finds her once safe and stable life
Depending on your choices you might get yourself and your girlfriend into unwanted trouble. This game contains netorare, your girlfriend will get taken by other dickgirls throughout the game, however,
Get Cucked About the departure of MC and his priestess wife to stop the birth of the lord of darkness, who is waking up to destroy humanity. But their journey must meet with the event to change his wife
In this game you are a teenage boy who becomes interested in his step-sister and starts spying on her for a while. You can't blame him, she's a sexy teenager with a shapely body and a gorgeous
Yuna is going abroad with her husband, Atsuhiko. Yuna is supposed to be on vacation, but by chance she meets Kazuki, with whom she has a physical relationship.... What will happen to Yuna in this
Yuna is a married woman who came with her husband, Atsuhiko, to a villa for his work. She has not been back in a year and a half, but the residents there love Yuna's body, and they have a physical
After her mother's death, Hana Aochi went into a deep shock leaving her expressionless, does not laugh or cry. But keep saying and doing what she want as she was before. Saigo, her older brother,
A future with advanced online technology. The world's leading companies have come to have great economic and political power, and autonomous corporate regions have sprung up all over the world. The
The space cargo ship Nostromo-2 returns to Earth. Passenger Veronica Wenzer is awakened from cryo-sleep by an emergency. The ship is filled with unknown creatures and the nine crew members cannot be
An escaped slave seeks revenge against the masters, but first he must gather a warband to go to war.
A visual novel where you are the Main Character, A wealthy business owner sailing the world on his luxury yacht in the not too distant future. Until one day a family secret comes out and your twin