One day, the protagonist, Kazuma Kisugi, was dozing off during class. However, when he woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar landscape. As he was feeling lost, a girl appeared in front of Kazuma...
Nymphomaniac - Sex Addict is an erotic game created for adult players. It contains many erotic and pornographic scenes with explicit sexual penetration. The heroine of the game, Vydija, satisfies her
Just a guy down on his luck with nothing exciting going on in his life. Until the day he found out a secret about his father that changed him forever. With a newfound power and purpose, it's up to
Your name is [Enter name] and you are 21 years old. You live with your roommate's mom (relation can be changed in-game!) and your roommate (relation can be changed in-game!). Your father died before
The once-peaceful village of Saran has fallen into darkness, its people corrupted by a sinister force that threatens the entire kingdom. Mia, a young priestess, and her fiancé Tenchi, a fearless warrior,
Robin Morningwood Adventure is a gay (bara) RPG video game where you play an adventurer, discovering Whellcum, a gay village. Learn new hot skills, buy butt plugs and craft cockrings to become a better
Our hero, Connor, without a thought for the future, leads a carefree lifestyle, wasting his young years with easy access to money and entertainment. However, after a bad year at college, his life begins
You're an ordinary guy who spends an amazing night with the girl of his dreams: possibly the most attractive girl in town. But after her crazy father drives you away, things take a tragic
By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. Mad words in sermons, wills of mortal men and women. Holiness is in right action, and courage on
Play as Kaley, an engineer who must liberate an Earth caught in the crossfire of an intergalactic war with aliens. You embark on an odyssey through the universe, encompassing many planets and alien
Booty Hunter is a visual novel style game with RPG mechanics in which you complete main and side missions, meet new people, build your team and become stronger. The game gives you the freedom to explore
It's a game about a young guy living with a small community consisting of a mother superior, a holy father, and two sister novices (none of whom are blood relatives. One day his happy life ended