One day, the protagonist, Kazuma Kisugi, was dozing off during class. However, when he woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar landscape. As he was feeling lost, a girl appeared in front of Kazuma...
During summer, Natsu spends a month with his aunt in a quiet, country town. Have a fun time fishing, catching bugs, exploring the sights, and collecting other items as you go around talking to the people
Erina has long dreamed of going to Era Sheila, the City of Machines. But when she arrives there, her life is in turmoil. She has a lot of work, she has mysterious dreams, and the local men look at her
New foot game that focuses on combat
Your name is [Enter name] and you are 21 years old. You live with your roommate's mom (relation can be changed in-game!) and your roommate (relation can be changed in-game!). Your father died before
Robin Morningwood Adventure is a gay (bara) RPG video game where you play an adventurer, discovering Whellcum, a gay village. Learn new hot skills, buy butt plugs and craft cockrings to become a better
Play as Kaley, an engineer who must liberate an Earth caught in the crossfire of an intergalactic war with aliens. You embark on an odyssey through the universe, encompassing many planets and alien
Your cousin decides to spend her vacation at your place. She is smart, fun, and very hot.
Booty Hunter is a visual novel style game with RPG mechanics in which you complete main and side missions, meet new people, build your team and become stronger. The game gives you the freedom to explore
After the global epidemic, all the men on earth have died... except you. What happened? This is what you have to find out. More than 20 hours of story quests await you. Three large cities to explore.
Because of the succubus curse, the “succubus disease” has spread. The only way to counteract the disease is to let the infected person cum over and over again!
Yokai are supernatural creatures that humans have no chance of defeating. In an ancient country in the far east, there lived a yokai fox with great strength. Her name was Ibara. As a result of her