In the not-too-distant future, in an island nation that has fallen into anarchy after numerous disasters...
Members of Stryker, a private security organization set up to fight criminals, wage a fierce battle against evil every day.
One such member, S-rank prodigy Lumina, is tasked with taking down the nascent "Guilty" gang.
Will she be able to accomplish her mission? And will she be able to find the woman she has long sought...?

Release year: 2023
Release date: 2023/03/31
Genre: jRPG, Vaginal, Blowjob, Oral, Yuri, Virgin, Monsters, Female Heroine
Censorship: yes
Developer/Publisher: M・I・P
Platform: PC/Windows
Publication type: Original (licensed)
Medication: Not required
Version: 1.0
Game language (plot): English
Interface language: English
Voice language: Japanese
System requirements:
OS: Win 7/8.1/10 | CPU: 2x@2.4GHz | RAM: 4 GB | VRAM: 1 GB | HDD: 860 MB

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